Sunday, December 1, 2013

Support the Angel Tree

A Note From Our President

Seasons Greetings!

With the end of 2013 approaching, the Cannon Spouses’ Club is ending the year on a high note. After months of planning and preparation, on November 22, the CSC hosted our Annual Charity Auction, themed “It’s a Wonderful Life.” We were fortunate enough to have numerous generous donors contribute everything from grills and fireplaces, to gym memberships and kids toys. And thanks to the time and effort of all our volunteers, the night was a huge success. Over 200 people attended the event at The Landing, in spite of the icy weather. It was an unforgettable night and we raised $24,000 for charity! That is over a 50% increase from last year’s auction - amazing.

This hard-earned money goes directly into various charitable projects. We provide birthday gifts to orphans in Portales, Random Acts of Kindness benefiting Cannon AFB families, support for our airmen and their programs, among other community charitable efforts. But most of all, we were able to double our scholarship money to awarding $9,000 this upcoming year to deserving Cannon spouses and kids.

The success of the Auction will open many doors. And we, the CSC Board, are so excited about the wonderful things we can do for our Cannon AFB, Clovis and Portales communities with this money. Thank you again to those who contributed to the Auction’s success. 2014 will be better than ever for the CSC!

Best wishes,

Priscilla Swantner, CSC President

Decking the Halls - Volunteering!

Have you noticed the beautiful Christmas decorations in the Landing Zone? The Cannon Spouses’ Club was proud to lend a hand in making everything look festive and cheerful. We know the staff at the Club was so grateful, and we were happy to help! Head on over and check out the beautiful trees, garlands and decorations. Members, be on the lookout for a date in January when we will need help to take it all down.

Turkey Bowling - November Social!

Thank you so much to all of our spouses who came out to enjoy an afternoon of Turkey Bowling at Cannon Lanes! We had a great time relaxing and enjoying each other’s company the day before the CSC Auction. Everyone who attended received a featherless paper turkey, and could win feathers by bowling spares and strikes! Prizes were given out to the person with the highest score, the lowest score and the person who received the most feathers. Congratulations to our fabulous winners!

Friday, November 1, 2013

A Note From Our President

Hello lovely members!

As we head into the home stretch of 2013, we are entering into our busiest time of the year. The holidays are a time of giving and thankfulness and a time to reflect on that which is bigger than ourselves. As a member of the CSC, we are also thrown into the holiday spirit. On November 22, we will host the biggest and best event at Cannon AFB - our 2nd Annual Charity Auction. Yes, it is a wild and crazy social event. But more importantly, let us not forget what it’s all about. This is an event designed to raise money for our scholarships, for our charities that benefit our airmen, and for our community. The Auction is an opportunity for everyone to participate as a contributing member of our community and simply give back. For more information on how to contribute to this momentous event, email

Best wishes,

Priscilla Swantner, CSC President

Thrift Shop Corner

Is your table ready for the holidays? The Thrift Shop has a beautiful set of china, as well as table décor, for sale. We have lots of wonderful Christmas decorations! They will be available in November, so watch the Cannon Thrift Shop FB page for more information.

We are also in need of donations! We especially need children’s toys, furniture, coats, and household items such as small appliances. Items should be in excellent condition.

Want to make a little extra cash? You can consign at the Thrift Shop. It’s easy and profitable! You receive 70% of your purchase price and the Thrift Shop collects 30%. For more information contact Marci at 575-748-7878 or 575-218-0880 (cell).

The Thrift Shop is open on Tuesday and Wednesday from 10AM – 2PM and on Thursday from 1PM – 4PM. We are located in the building next to the Library. For more information contact Marci at 575-748-7878 or 575-218-0880 (cell).

Socials Update

Arrrrrrrg!  Thank you to all who participated in the October social, the Pirate and Mermaid Scavenger Hunt!  It was fun sharing dinner and then scouring the Landing Zone for so many bizarre things.  Some of the favorites on the list to find were a gong, a body bag, and a state flag that is not rectangular!  Our winning team won by only a few points – the competition was fierce!  We had many new faces attend, including a new member of the Cannon Spouses Club who had only been in Clovis for two days!  Also, huge thank you goes out to the Air Force Sergeants Association who volunteered to provide childcare for this event.  The kids and the parents alike were able to have a wonderful evening full of food, fun, and friendship!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Re-Fashion Show - September Social!

What a fun afternoon! Crazy outfits, good food, competition - who could ask for more? Take a look at the fun that was had at out September social sponsored by the Thrift Shop!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Craft and Pintrest Club

 Our CSC Craft and Pinterest group had a blast last month making burlap wreaths!  Please join us in October for our next project: a gauze ghost to make your home a little spookier for Halloween!  Supplies are minimal and the results are sure to make you smile. We will meet at building 76 (same building as Thrift Shop) on Wednesday, October 9th at 6:30PM.  To be added to the Craft/Pinterest Group and receive supply list emails, please contact Sarah Berg at or Samantha Lewis at  Crafters - start looking now to come up with ideas for the holidays!

A Note From Our President

Ever since September hit, it seems that the CSC calendar is on full throttle. We have another social under our belt and it was awesome! I know I had a blast watching the teams create such “masterpiece” outfits from random materials. In the end, everyone had a great time and more importantly we were able to highlight and feature our Thrift Shop.

Now with November around the corner, the Auction is quickly approaching on November 22. For those who don’t know, our Annual Charity Auction is the CSC’s biggest event of the year! We raise thousands of dollars for charity all while having a great time. It’s a win-win! But this event isn't a success without some help. That’s where you all come in! We have opportunities to donate, volunteer the day of the event, sell tickets, etc. etc.  If you are interested in learning more about how you can get involved, contact me at As we approach the event in the weeks ahead, look for more information on our Facebook page, website, or look for our ad in At Your Service. We have tons of great auction items so you won't want to miss it!

Priscilla Swantner

Special Activities Needs Help!

The CSC is an awesome way to get involved at Cannon. We offer many special activities for our spouses, such as bowling, book club, coffee gatherings, game nights, and much more! If you are interested in joining in on any of these events, or volunteering to lead a group that fits your own interest, please contact Heather Emch at We are always in need of activity leaders and it is a great way to get plugged in!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Portales Meet Ups

The Cannon Spouses Club is starting its first ever Portales Meet Ups group! This group aims to help Portales spouses connect and find new places to enjoy. Portales meet ups in the future will include nights out to ENMU arts performances, museums, and is overall about exploring our town. On our first night out we will be visiting the gorgeous wine bar inside of Vines Italian Restaurant, on the Down Town Square, September 10th at 5pm. If any CSC Members are interested in Portales Meet Ups, please contact Kimberli at

CSC Volunteers in Community

The Annual Ride for Bully Awareness was on Aug 25th! Volunteers, families and about 200 bikers from all over New Mexico came out to support this amazing cause. Our own CSC 1st Vice President (do you think my name would be more appropriate?) was out there representing us and working hard to help the American Legion cook up hundreds of burgers and hotdogs for all those hungry bikers! We wanted to thank all of the families who came out, had fun and showed their support in efforts to stop bullying.

Birthday Cards for Local Children's Homes

By Sarah Berg, Secretary

When I volunteered to be the secretary for the CSC I figured I would be responsible for taking notes at meetings, getting the mail, and other basic secretary responsibilities. Upon meeting with Nikki Schmidt (last year’s secretary), I found out one other aspect of my job: sending birthday cards and Wal Mart gift cards to children living in shelters and orphanages in our area. I had no idea the CSC did this! It has become my favorite task every month. I purchase $20 gift cards with CSC funds and tape them inside a birthday card. I write a personal message to each child and send them on their way. The CSC sends approximately 75 cards every year! This is such an amazing way to positively impact the lives of children in our communities. I am humbled and honored to be the catalyst for this gift--- but it is our membership funds and thrift store income that make this possible. Joining the CSC is not just about attending socials and making new friends (although those are two pretty good reasons alone!). When you become a member of the CSC you join an organization that makes a difference in the lives of children in our area. And we can all feel good about that! 

A Note From Our President

Hello, Members!

What a HUGE success!!! Thank you so much for making the first CSC social of the year the best one yet! We had over 60 attendees who mixed and mingled to make speedy connections. I know I made connections with new spouses and I hope you did, too.

Welcome new members who joined our club. I hope your experience as a member of the Cannon Spouses’ Club will help to make your time at Cannon AFB a rewarding experience. 

We have plenty of opportunities for you to get involved and get connected to your community. Please know that the CSC is here for you. We are not just a group that hosts monthly socials. We are designed to be a support system for ALL Cannon spouses: active duty, civilian and retiree spouses alike.

Putting together an event like this is no easy feat so I need to take the time to thank the Elizabeth Stegin and Kimberli Roth for coordinating the event and the CSC board for working together to make sure the night ran smoothly. We have a fabulous, dynamic group of ladies who have a passion for serving all of you.

I’m excited to see what the rest of the year has in store for the CSC. Thanks again and I look forward to serving as your 2013-2014 CSC President.

Priscilla Swantner

The Cannon Thrift Shop

Did you know that the CSC Spouses’ Club has an amazing Thrift Shop? Did you know that the Thrift Shop operates on a shoestring so that very nearly all of the proceeds can be donated? Did you know that the Thrift Shop is completely staffed with volunteers? The CSC is not just a social club, but also a club committed to raising money to support many worthy organizations such as Wounded Warriors, Spouses Scholarships, and the Portales Children’s Home, just to name a few. A large percentage of those funds come from your Thrift Shop.

We are in need of volunteers! This is a wonderful opportunity to give back to the base community, meet new friends, and earn Volunteer Rewards Points. Volunteers at the Thrift Shop sort donations, organize the shop, help customers, and keep the shop clean. It takes many hands to keep our shop so beautiful! Never been to the Thrift Shop? Come check us out! We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how wonderful it is. 

Your CSC Thrift Shop is in need of donations! We accept furniture, clothes, household items, toys, and shoes just to name a few. Items should be in new or like-new condition. Not sure if your donations can be accepted? Please see the list on the Cannon Thrift Shop FB page for items that are not currently accepted or give us a call. The Thrift Shop re-donates items it cannot carry to the Lighthouse Mission so that every item finds a good home. 

The Thrift Shop is open on Tuesday and Wednesday from 10AM – 2PM and on Thursday from 1PM – 4PM. We are located in the building next to the Library. For more information contact Marci at 575-748-7878 (during Thrift Shop hours only) or 575-218-0880 (cell).

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Speed Meeting: Success!!!

Did you have a great time at the Speed Meeting? We sure did! What an incredible turn out we had for our first social of the year - over 70 people came to the Drop Zone. Amazing! It was such a blessing to meet so many positive and sweet ladies (and one gentleman!) that are ready to jump in.

We're so glad that so many of y'all turned up at the social. The Drop Zone did a phenomenal job at providing food and drinks for everybody and it looked like everyone was enjoying the atmosphere. The pre-determined questions made for a wonderful and easy environment. The three minute switch came too quickly all too often for a lot of our ladies!

A huge thank you to all the ladies that worked so hard to make this night happen (especially the free childcare!) - it was so appreciated! Here's to what looks like an incredible year for the spouses of Cannon Air Force Base!

We hope you had as much fun as we did and we can't wait to see you at the next social!!!