Friday, March 13, 2015


Are you interested in joining the Cannon Spouses' Club Board for the 2015-2016 year? Elections for our executive board will take place on April 23rd at the Bingo Social. If you are interested in any of the positions on next year's board please CLICK HERE and fill out our online board application before April 15th. Below you will find a list of the positions both elected and appointed.


PRESIDENT: Attend and preside over all general membership meetings(socials), executive board and board meetings; establish and solicit members to committees and attend committee meetings; appoint parliamentarian, chairmen of appointed offices and special committees; conduct routine business of CSC; ensure CSC Constitution and By-Laws are reviewed annually and up-to-date and submit any changes to Private Org; oversee executive board; all executive board members report to president; does not make a motion or have a vote, only in the case of a tie, president is deciding vote.

1st VICE PRESIDENT: Assist the president in all CSC business and act as president in his/her absence; attends base wide meetings to promote the CSC; adviser to operating side of the board, ie., Membership, publicity, socials, reservations, ways & means, and member at large; attends operational and welfare budget meetings.

Assist the president in all CSC business; adviser to welfare side of the board, ie., scholarships, thrift shop, special activities, historian, auction; attends operational and welfare budget meetings; attends thrift shop meetings; plays an active role in the thrift shop, volunteering, ensuring volunteers are available to the manager and covering for the manager when needed; addresses any issues the thrift shop manager may have; organizes and implements all aspects of CSC’s Veteran’s Day gift-giving; assumes responsibilities of 1VP in his/her absence, and the President in the absence of both 1VP and president.

SECRETARY: Attends, records, prepares and maintains minutes of general membership meetings, keeping record of members present; signs, along with president, minutes, then forwards to NAF; maintain all records for the Board; handles CSC correspondence; collects and distributes CSC mail; reserves space for monthly board meetings and sends out reminders of meetings; sends out birthday cards/gift cards to children’s homes in Portales.

TREASURER: Establish an annual budget for CSC to include projected income and expenses, purchases, etc.; maintain record of all financial transactions and financial status of CSC; prepare monthly income and expense statements to include all fundraising activities to be presented at monthly board meetings; prepare and update a balance sheet accounting for total assets, liabilities and net worth of CSC; maintain all necessary bank accounts; receive and disburse all funds belonging to Operational and Welfare funds; pay insurance premiums; file taxes at end of fiscal year for operational, welfare and thrift shop; work with thrift shop manager to keep consignment checks, deposits, in order and reconcile; attends monthly executive and board meetings; attends all budget meetings; advises president on all financial matters.  


MEMBERSHIP: Solicit membership from eligible Cannon community; maintain welcome table at all socials; collect and process applications, delivering fees to treasurer; maintain database of members; ensure members are welcomed and fare-welled.

PUBLICITY: Responsible for publicizing all CSC events; assist other chairmen to create posters, flyers, tickets, etc. as needed; setting and reporting a deadline for newsletter; ensuring the name, seal or insignia of the DoD or any of its components does not appear on any CSC media, printed or electronic.

WEB MANAGEMENT: Responsible for upkeep of the website, Facebook, and Instagram accounts; as well as insuring and maintaining CSC's online presence. Provides assistance with online and technical issues.

RESERVATIONS: Responsible for taking and maintaining reservations and monies for monthly socials; setting the RSVP deadline for all events; tracking and reporting attendance exact to The Landing Zone business office; send out monthly invites (Evite, Facebook, etc.)

SOCIALS: Serves as a liaison between the CSC and Landing Zone, making all arrangements for social events and programs; arrange for all materials or items needed at each function; coordinate with all appropriate chairs to make sure everything is a go for upcoming socials; arranges childcare for such events that require childcare.

WAYS & MEANS: Responsible for purchasing door prizes and maintaining raffle tickets at all monthly functions; acquiring necessary approval for any special fundraisers the CSC may have. 

MEMBER-AT-LARGE: Represents the CSC membership at base wide advisory meetings, board meetings, quality of life meetings, welcome spouse/heartlink, welcome to Cannon, etc. meetings; submits Volunteer of the quarter/year award packages; tracks CSC volunteer hours; point-of-contact for member complaints, concerns, general comments.


THRIFT SHOP MANAGER: Maintaining the thrift shop, keeping it in an orderly and clean state; organizing schedules of volunteers and training volunteers; supporting positive costumer relations; managing all monies and working with the treasurer; takes phone messages for the CSC; schedules meetings as needed.

HISTORIAN: Responsible for snapping photos and recording happenings at CSC events and submitting them to Publicity; ensure proper archiving and storage of historical items.

Responsible for ensuring additional social activities are available to general membership as needed or requested, ie., lunch and a movie, bowling, crafting, coffee, etc.; ensure sign-up lists are available and properly displayed at all socials; appointing a point-of-contact for each activity; greet new members and investigate interest for new activities.

SCHOLARSHIPS: Responsible for reviewing, revising and getting legal approval for all scholarship applications; distributing applications amongst the Cannon community, local schools and colleges; organizing and maintaining contact with the Final Selection Committee; notifying scholarship winners; planning and implementing all aspects of the awards reception/function for scholarship winners.

Serves as a liaison between CSC and all organizations requesting funds, ensuring all donation requests are complete and all questions answered; presents requests for funds to the Board; coordinates with the treasurer to ensure proper distribution of approved donation funds.

AUCTION: form an auction committee as early as June; schedule meetings and send out reminders for auction meetings; pick a date with the help of the Executive Board and receive approval from the proper authority; ensure CSC Board is up-to-date with all paperwork, and all necessary forms seeking approval are submitted to Private Org, Legal, NAF and all appropriate Cannon AFB agencies; assign committee members specific duties; plan and implement all aspects of the Auction through completion of auction; follow up with all committee and board members.