PRESIDENT: Attend and preside over all general membership meetings(socials), executive board and board meetings; establish and solicit members to committees and attend committee meetings; appoint parliamentarian, chairmen of appointed offices and special committees; conduct routine business of CSC; ensure CSC Constitution and By-Laws are reviewed annually and up-to-date and submit any changes to Private Org; oversee executive board; all executive board members report to president; does not make a motion or have a vote, only in the case of a tie, president is deciding vote.
1st VICE PRESIDENT: Assist the president in all CSC business and act as president in his/her absence; attends base wide meetings to promote the CSC; adviser to operating side of the board, ie., Membership, publicity, socials, reservations, ways & means, and member at large; attends operational and welfare budget meetings.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Assist the president in all CSC business; adviser to welfare side of the board, ie., scholarships, thrift shop, special activities, historian, auction; attends operational and welfare budget meetings; attends thrift shop meetings; plays an active role in the thrift shop, volunteering, ensuring volunteers are available to the manager and covering for the manager when needed; addresses any issues the thrift shop manager may have; organizes and implements all aspects of CSC’s Veteran’s Day gift-giving; assumes responsibilities of 1VP in his/her absence, and the President in the absence of both 1VP and president.
SECRETARY: Attends, records, prepares and maintains minutes of general membership meetings, keeping record of members present; signs, along with president, minutes, then forwards to NAF; maintain all records for the Board; handles CSC correspondence; collects and distributes CSC mail; reserves space for monthly board meetings and sends out reminders of meetings; sends out birthday cards/gift cards to children’s homes in Portales.
TREASURER: Establish an annual budget for CSC to include projected income and expenses, purchases, etc.; maintain record of all financial transactions and financial status of CSC; prepare monthly income and expense statements to include all fundraising activities to be presented at monthly board meetings; prepare and update a balance sheet accounting for total assets, liabilities and net worth of CSC; maintain all necessary bank accounts; receive and disburse all funds belonging to Operational and Welfare funds; pay insurance premiums; file taxes at end of fiscal year for operational, welfare and thrift shop; work with thrift shop manager to keep consignment checks, deposits, in order and reconcile; attends monthly executive and board meetings; attends all budget meetings; advises president on all financial matters.
MEMBERSHIP: Solicit membership from eligible Cannon community; maintain welcome table at all socials; collect and process applications, delivering fees to treasurer; maintain database of members; ensure members are welcomed and fare-welled.
PUBLICITY: Responsible for publicizing all CSC events; assist other chairmen to create posters, flyers, tickets, etc. as needed; setting and reporting a deadline for newsletter; ensuring the name, seal or insignia of the DoD or any of its components does not appear on any CSC media, printed or electronic.
WEB MANAGEMENT: Responsible for upkeep of the website, Facebook, and Instagram accounts; as well as insuring and maintaining CSC's online presence. Provides assistance with online and technical issues.
RESERVATIONS: Responsible for taking and maintaining reservations and monies for monthly socials; setting the RSVP deadline for all events; tracking and reporting attendance exact to The Landing Zone business office; send out monthly invites (Evite, Facebook, etc.)
SOCIALS: Serves as a liaison between the CSC and Landing Zone, making all arrangements for social events and programs; arrange for all materials or items needed at each function; coordinate with all appropriate chairs to make sure everything is a go for upcoming socials; arranges childcare for such events that require childcare.
WAYS & MEANS: Responsible for purchasing door prizes and maintaining raffle tickets at all monthly functions; acquiring necessary approval for any special fundraisers the CSC may have.
MEMBER-AT-LARGE: Represents the CSC membership at base wide advisory meetings, board meetings, quality of life meetings, welcome spouse/heartlink, welcome to Cannon, etc. meetings; submits Volunteer of the quarter/year award packages; tracks CSC volunteer hours; point-of-contact for member complaints, concerns, general comments.
HISTORIAN: Responsible for snapping photos and recording happenings at CSC events and submitting them to Publicity; ensure proper archiving and storage of historical items.
SPECIAL ACTIVITIES: Responsible for ensuring additional social activities are available to general membership as needed or requested, ie., lunch and a movie, bowling, crafting, coffee, etc.; ensure sign-up lists are available and properly displayed at all socials; appointing a point-of-contact for each activity; greet new members and investigate interest for new activities.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Responsible for reviewing, revising and getting legal approval for all scholarship applications; distributing applications amongst the Cannon community, local schools and colleges; organizing and maintaining contact with the Final Selection Committee; notifying scholarship winners; planning and implementing all aspects of the awards reception/function for scholarship winners.
WELFARE: Serves as a liaison between CSC and all organizations requesting funds, ensuring all donation requests are complete and all questions answered; presents requests for funds to the Board; coordinates with the treasurer to ensure proper distribution of approved donation funds.
AUCTION: form an auction committee as early as June; schedule meetings and send out reminders for auction meetings; pick a date with the help of the Executive Board and receive approval from the proper authority; ensure CSC Board is up-to-date with all paperwork, and all necessary forms seeking approval are submitted to Private Org, Legal, NAF and all appropriate Cannon AFB agencies; assign committee members specific duties; plan and implement all aspects of the Auction through completion of auction; follow up with all committee and board members.