Monday, September 30, 2013

Re-Fashion Show - September Social!

What a fun afternoon! Crazy outfits, good food, competition - who could ask for more? Take a look at the fun that was had at out September social sponsored by the Thrift Shop!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Craft and Pintrest Club

 Our CSC Craft and Pinterest group had a blast last month making burlap wreaths!  Please join us in October for our next project: a gauze ghost to make your home a little spookier for Halloween!  Supplies are minimal and the results are sure to make you smile. We will meet at building 76 (same building as Thrift Shop) on Wednesday, October 9th at 6:30PM.  To be added to the Craft/Pinterest Group and receive supply list emails, please contact Sarah Berg at or Samantha Lewis at  Crafters - start looking now to come up with ideas for the holidays!

A Note From Our President

Ever since September hit, it seems that the CSC calendar is on full throttle. We have another social under our belt and it was awesome! I know I had a blast watching the teams create such “masterpiece” outfits from random materials. In the end, everyone had a great time and more importantly we were able to highlight and feature our Thrift Shop.

Now with November around the corner, the Auction is quickly approaching on November 22. For those who don’t know, our Annual Charity Auction is the CSC’s biggest event of the year! We raise thousands of dollars for charity all while having a great time. It’s a win-win! But this event isn't a success without some help. That’s where you all come in! We have opportunities to donate, volunteer the day of the event, sell tickets, etc. etc.  If you are interested in learning more about how you can get involved, contact me at As we approach the event in the weeks ahead, look for more information on our Facebook page, website, or look for our ad in At Your Service. We have tons of great auction items so you won't want to miss it!

Priscilla Swantner

Special Activities Needs Help!

The CSC is an awesome way to get involved at Cannon. We offer many special activities for our spouses, such as bowling, book club, coffee gatherings, game nights, and much more! If you are interested in joining in on any of these events, or volunteering to lead a group that fits your own interest, please contact Heather Emch at We are always in need of activity leaders and it is a great way to get plugged in!