Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cannon Spouses' Club Elections, 2014-2015 Board Year

Attention all Spouses! It's election time for the Cannon Spouses' Club! Executive Board positions will be open for nomination beginning at this month's social, February 20 and go through March 20.

If you are interested in serving as President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer or know someone who is, let us know.

All spouses are eligible; however, you must be a member to nominate, and, yes, you can nominate yourself!  If nominated, you must be a member paid in full by the April social to be elected.  Elections will be held at the April Bingo Social!

Also, with the start of the new board year, all committee chair positions will be open too.  They are appointed positions.  If you are interested give us your name.  Co-chairing is definitely allowed and encouraged!

 Contact Korena Prather at cannonspousesclub@gmail.com for descriptions of positions or more general information.